With the seemingly limitless apps the iphone offers, all members of the family can get their fair share of entertainment from this device. Read this article to find out about the iphone and all of the features available on it.
An iPhone can act as your GPS. The map feature can help you find the nearest gas station or navigate an unfamiliar area. Bookmark the map for ease of use.
It is not uncommon to drop your phone in the toilet, the toilet or something wet. Rather than using a blow dryer, dry the phone with some paper towel and place it inside a rice filled ziploc bag.
You can take photos with the cord from your headphones. Start off by getting the picture you want and put it in the frame. Once you are prepared to take a shot, push down the button on the cord. This will take the photograph. Saving the picture in your iPhone is done just like you do with any other picture.
Headphone Cord
For quick access to messages, tag each email account in advance. This will allow you to see your emails immediately. It is possible to link multiple accounts or a single one.
You can take a picture through using your headphone cord as well. Press the button on the headphone cord when you are ready. This can help you ensure you don’t shake your phone and decrease the chances for a blurry picture.
Are you not so sure you want to send that iMessage after all? Did Auto Correct screw up your meaning again? When this happens, simply shake your iPhone. It erases the most recent typing you have entered. Go to the Settings menu to make sure this function is enabled.
Siri helps you to set reminders that are location based. You can tell Siri to remind you to do an action at a specific time. You can also tell Siri to remind you to do something when you get home.The iphone will recognize when you reach home and give you the reminder. You can still have your reminder even if you can’t predict when you will get home.
Press the sleep button if your iPhone encounters an issue and press harder to reboot your phone if it is not responsive. Hold that button down while you simultaneously press the “home key”. The phone will then shut down and restart as a signal that everything went well.
There is an app that transform your iphone into a storage device. With the app, you’ll be able to upload video, music, photo and text files to your iphone. You just need to connect your phone to any computer, and you can also open them right from the phone itself.
You don’t have to worry about your phone shaking when taking a photo with your iPhone. Just use the volume control that is on the cord of your headphones. You need a steady hand centered onto the image you wish to capture before you do anything else. Just press the button on the headphone cord to take the photo.
Are there umlauted or accents that you wish to include in your messages? A pop-up box will appear with some extra keys. This place lets you to type anything you want!
A great way to save a lot of time when playing with your iPhone is to set custom shortcuts for AutoText. This feature is a great help when it comes to lengthy email addresses and basic phrases such as “How are you” and “See you soon”. You can find this shortcut by looking under your device’s keyboard settings.
A website that is divided into sections can be viewed by using one finger to see each box. You can scroll down the main page with two fingers.
One of the most useful features on an iPhone is the Calendar function. Use it directly to add meetings and reminders instead of using the plus button. In the “Day” view simply tap the hour to create a new appointment or event. This quick scheduling will save you time and let you get on with your life.
Most iphone users take full advantage of their phones as cameras. It can be difficult to scroll through pictures after taking them. The iphone has a built-in album area that helps to easily organize your photos and makes them easy to locate. This is a great feature for when you up when you need to locate a lot of time when you are looking for a specific picture.
Do not go overboard buying apps for your iPhone. The iPhone platform has a lot of free and paid apps. When downloading apps, be careful that it comes from a trusted source.
If you find an image you want to preserve on your phone, simply tap it and hold it down. The context menu allows you to put the picture directly to your phone’s Camera Roll. You can even copy it into a message if you want.
Taking a photo with the iPhone is so simple, you can do it with just one hand. All you have to do is get the image into focus as you would like and then tap the button to increase the volume. You’ll get pictures of similar quality to standard photos if you use this shortcut.
If an iphone freezes up, try doing a hard reset so you can get back in working order. Press on the sleep button and home button at the same time for several seconds. The phone then shuts down and restart as a signal that everything went well.
There is no doubt an iPhone is simple to use when surfing the Web. However, it can be a real drag to try to scroll all the way back to the beginning of a long web page. Well, now that is no longer necessary. Tapping on the status bar at the top of your screen (i.e. the clock) will return you instantly to the start of the page. This feature works for any screen that you may have up.
Turn the keyboard clicks “on” so that you can hear clicks as you type on the keyboard.This will let you limit the number of mistakes as you are typing.
Use the auto-correct to your benefit by setting your own phrases to the memory. Add a shortcut by going to Settings, then General, Keyboard and add a shortcut. These shortcuts are a huge time-saver when typing out phrases and words that you input all the time. When you start typing a word that’s been programmed, your phone will automatically fill it in for you.
Make sure to personalize your iphone better by choosing a custom ringtone. The standard ringtones blend in with other Iphone users and makes you will probably think your iphone is ringing when someone else has the crowd. You could use your favorite song or a simple sound you find enjoyable. This will make people take notice of your iphone apart from the crowd.
The iPhone has screenshot capabilities that can be used whenever you want. Simply depress the power and home buttons at the same time. (Do this quickly; if you hold them too long, you will get other effects you do not want.) That takes a snapshot of the current display and automatically sends the picture to the Images application.
If you’ve just dropped you phone in water, resist the temptation to immediately turn it on and assess the damage. Dry off the phone first and let the any internal water to dry overnight. You can short circuit the phone by activating it when wet.
If you want to save some work on the iPhone and come back to it later, just tap Cancel. A window will pop up asking what you’d like to do–Save, Don’t Save, or Cancel. By selecting Save, the message will go into Drafts. If there is no Draft folder present, one will be automatically created.
Tap the bar to return to the top of the page and it will bring you to where you started.This also works for other screens that are long screens.
Your iPhone can be used to send valuable pictures to your family and/or friends. You have two options for this. One way is to save an image as part of an attachment and send it via email. Another way is uploading it to Facebook using the Facebook app.
You can customize shortcuts to specific words on your phone that will allow for faster typing. Go to Settings, go under General, then Keyboard, and then Add New Shortcut. You can add shortcuts to common words and phrases you type by inputting abbreviations or acronyms as desired. When you type in the shortcuts, the corresponding words and phrases will be inserted in their entirety.
There is a way to scroll your contacts that does not involve finger flicking. Start by holding your finger on the alphabetical list. Now you can simply slide your finger up and down to peruse the list. This technique offers better control while you look at your contacts.
You can take a screenshot quickly and easily with your iphone. Simply do a quick press Home button and Power in conjunction with one another. This takes the snapshots of your phone’s current display and save it to your iphone.
Protect your phone from extreme weather and temperatures. Don’t leave it in your car in extreme heat and don’t bring it with you into walk-in freezers. As with any other electronic device, water can form inside the phone when the temperature drops dramatically.
If you’re accident prone, protect your iphone with a case. Your iphone will break if you drop it without some sort of case protection on. Although the case is not a guarantee that nothing will happen to the device, having your phone in one can increase the odds that your phone will be fine whenever you drop it.
Make sure your phone is not exposed to direct sunlight for long periods. This can fry your iPhone, which can cost a lot of money upon replacement. The internal components can be damaged from direct sunlight.
Be gentle with your iphone connector cord because these have been known to get damaged quite easily. Gently pull the cord from a power outlets or USB ports.Your cord will last about a year if you take good care of it.
You can check multiple email accounts on your iPhone by giving renaming each account something different. If you have three accounts and each one is labelled “Bill’s Email”, it becomes difficult to quickly locate the information you need. Assigning a unique name allows you to quickly identify the account you wish to check at a glance.
You can access the Weather app appear simply by touching the weather bar on the Notifications screen.
An iPhone is known for its functionality and versatility. If you use the free BlinqTV application, your phone can be transformed into a remote control for your television. This will allow your iPhone to control some TVs, receivers and DVD players. You also have different options, such as program reminders that alert you and remind you when a favorite show comes on.
Are you attempting to backup the contacts in backing up your phone contacts? There is a great application called iDrive Lite; it will let you backup your contacts easily.It is also absolutely free if you switch to 2. prior to beginning the process.
Avoid storing videos that you have no intention of watching again. When a video ends, your iPhone will give you the option of removing it. Say “yes” to save memory.
You can capture great quality pictures with the camera on your iphone. You can take a lot of images with your iphone. You simply have to send them to your personal computer, and the amount of pictures you can take is unlimited.There’s no need to spend money buying a digital camera when you own an iphone.
Are multiple programs running on the iPhone, and you wish to shut them down? You can achieve this quickly by clicking a fingertip on your home key. Look for the app you want to close, and press down on it with your finger. When you see the icon wiggling, touch the icon red minus for the app to close.
Now you should know just how amazing and beneficial an iphone is. You should now be ready to become a master of the iphone and be fully capable of enjoying it for all it is worth.
To get the most out of texting on the iPhone, you need to learn of shortcuts; they will save you time. Almost everyone knows that you just double tap a word and it will be selected, but there is more. There is a similar option for paragraphs. If you tap a block of text four times, the whole thing will be selected. This way, you can cut and paste a message with ease.
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