TIP! Construction adhesive can help eliminate a squeaking floor. Although you’ll need to enter your basement or crawl space to apply it, it...
ByPatrick TheresaJanuary 29, 2022TIP! You can organize your carport or garage by using clear plastic storage containers. Even though the bins are transparent, it’s important to...
ByPatrick TheresaJanuary 5, 2022TIP! If you are purchasing a house, have your home inspected by a professional. That way you need not rely on the seller...
ByPatrick TheresaDecember 20, 2021TIP! If you have little cracks in the roof of your home, just get a 3 inch roll of aluminum tape to fix...
ByPatrick TheresaNovember 20, 2021TIP! If there are small cracks in the roof, aluminum tape may be all you need to make the repair. Separate the paper...
ByPatrick TheresaNovember 9, 2021TIP! When planning to make changes to the exterior of your home, you should make considerations for the overall look and feel of...
ByPatrick TheresaOctober 20, 2021