An iphone happens to be a wonderful technological tool that offers so many uses and can make your life much easier! Not only is it a phone, but you can also use it as an organizer or for entertainment. There are a lot of ways you can personalize your iphone work better to suit your particular needs.
You do not have to be concerned about losing an iPhone anymore. There is a maps app integrated into your phone when you purchase it, and it will allow you to check your location wherever you have service. This is great for helping you get back home or visiting a new place you haven’t seen yet.
Save your valuable battery by reducing the brightness of your iphone. Go to the settings area on your iphone to alter the brightness level.
If your iPhone has been exposed to water, place it in a bowl of uncooked rice. Nearly everyone has dropped a phone in a puddle, sink or even a toilet. Do not use a hair dryer. Instead, use a paper towel to wipe it. Then, place the phone in a Ziploc bag that is full of rice. Let it sit overnight to dry out completely.
You can take a picture through using your headphone cord on the iphone. Press the button located on the cord while keeping a steady hand. This can help to avoid any movement of the phone and create a blurry picture.
To save battery power, decrease your iPhone’s brightness. To lower the brightness level, simply adjust your phone’s settings. This will conserve battery energy and extend the amount of time you will have before needing to recharge your battery.
Say that you are surfing for a nearby dry cleaner. When you locate the number, you don’t have to go back to the phone menu to call. Just press the number; you will be instantly connected to the place you want to contact.
You don’t need to add “.com” when typing web addresses into your iPhone. All you need is the main portion of the address typed in and the browser should connect you with the proper site. That may seem like a little thing, but over time that is a great deal of time saved.
Buy yourself a screen protector for your iphone. Without one, you will scratch the face of your phone over time. Even a tiny pieces of dirt on the fingertip or keys in your finger may scratch an unprotected screen.
It’s easy to place a call while using Safari to browse the Internet. For example, you may want to find a local dry cleaner. Once you have located the phone number, it is possible to place a call without closing the Safari browser. Simply tap the phone number once and you will automatically be connected.
Use multimedia to maximize your iphone to get the most out of it.
Are you tired of notifications you receive? You can easily turn them off. Go to settings, then select notifications. Check out the applications in the heading “In Notification Center”; then remove whatever you do not need. This will also help your battery last longer.
A website that is designed with boxes can be scrolled through box by using one finger to see each box. Two fingers will help you quickly scroll the whole web page.
Did you know that you can save images easily when online searching on the iPhone? Simply touch and hold on an image that you want to save. After a few seconds, a pop-up box will give you the option of saving the image to your phone.
Always keep your iPhone’s OS is upgraded to the most recent version. Due to the iPhone’s complexity, Apple will release patches to fix various problems or security lapses. Updates also help protect any personal information while on your phone.
Create a dictionary with your own meanings and shortcuts on the iPhone. This predictive feature saves time and makes communications a snap. You can establish your own shortcuts for words and phrases you use often. The iPhone keyboard will also correct you automatically when typing a phrase or word.
Don’t concern yourself with the words when typing on an iphone. This way you from having to click on the “x” every time you want to dismiss a word.
Are you unsure of how to make accented letters in messages? It is as simple as this. Touch and hold the particular letter you want additional options for and keep your finger on it for a couple of seconds. This will bring up a box that gives you different letter options to insert. You can use as many fancy letters as you want to.
The Calendar on your iphone is one of the best organizational tools available. You can quickly use this tool by directly adding your events rather than using “+” button. When you are in the day area, tapping and holding on any hour will automatically create a new event for that time. You have more time for other things!
By default, your iPhone will show a preview of incoming messages on the lock screen. For some this is great, but others do not like it. If you are among those who find it bothersome, you can disable it. Under Settings, choose Notifications and then Messages. Then turn off the Show Preview option.

You can take a picture with your iphone using just one hand on the iphone. The picture quality of the photo the usual way.
If you are concerned about privacy when using Siri, you may want to keep your Siri conversations to a minimum. Apple can record and store what you say to Siri. These files are stored in a secure location and are used for improving speech recognition, but it is good to be aware that your prompts may be recorded.
The command for marking emails unread is hidden on the iphone isn’t visible; you have to uncover it.
You can take a screenshot using your iPhone. Simply press the “sleep” button while holding in the “home” button. You have successfully saved the screenshot to your iPhone once you see your screen turn white.
You can customize shortcuts to specific words on the iphone to be more efficient when typing. Go to Settings, then select General, then Keyboard, and finally Add New Shortcut. You can create shortcuts for common phrases or words you type often by adding abbreviations or acronyms as desired. When you type these shortcuts, your phone will automatically fill it in for you.
If an iPhone freezes up, you can easily perform a rest to get everything back in working order. Simultaneously hold the button and the Home key. Your iPhone should reboot after a few seconds.
You do not have to put up with hearing Siri’s robotic voice. The first step is locating Siri in the “general settings” screen.You can program the language to French, German or English. You change the accent to British or Australian usage. The British Siri accent is actually has a male voice.
Your iPhone can take pictures without needing to be shaken. Your headphone volume controls can also double as a way to snap your pictures. Start by steadying your hand on whatever subject you wish to capture. Press the proper button on your headphone wire when the picture is ready to be taken.
If you are interrupted while composing an email, rather than closing the email app tap on it to cancel. The iphone will give you would like to save the option of saving a draft of your drafts folder. This allows you to finish up your email a later time if you have more time.
The advantage of the Safari browser on your iPhone is that you don’t have to add .com at the end of a URL when you are surfing the Web. For example, if you want to visit, just type “Amazon” to get to the site.
Reduce the time that you spend typing on your iphone. Go to your settings sections and then press keyboard where you can add an additional shortcut.This way you to set up a quick shortcut for the most common long words that you use and program them in ahead of time. You won’t have to type it all in the future.
You only need one hand to snap a photo with your iPhone. Just maneuver the frame in the correct position and then tap your + volume button. You’ll get pictures of similar quality to standard photos if you use this shortcut.
Drafts Folder
To type with greater efficiency, establish shortcuts on the iPhone. Simply go to Settings, then General and Keyboard, and then “Add New Shortcut”. Put in acronyms or abbreviations to phrases and words you use. As you type the shortcuts, the words that correspond will become inserted.
Tap cancel to save messages. You will see a dialog box asking you if you want to save your work. By selecting Save, it will go into the Drafts folder. If you have no Drafts folder, it will automatically be created when you click Save.
Are you looking for a way to quickly type messages or enter information into your iPhone? Go to Settings and then General to select the Keyboard option and add new shortcuts. Often-used phrases can be shortened so that they are easier to type. This way, you don’t have to type out the whole thing each time you want to say it.
There are a number of ways you can scroll through your iphone. You can tap one letter, choose a certain letter and jump to it, or gently press one finger right on the list. The last way gives you the ability to scroll through the entire list.
There are three ways to scroll on your iPhone. Using your finger to locate contacts on your iPhone you can go through your contact list, locate a contact with a specific initial letter by tapping that letter or holding your finger on your contact list. Using this third option will scroll through your contacts at high speed.
By now you should realize that the many features of the iphone make it more than a simple phone. But, there are many things an iphone can do that you may not even know about. Use the advice above to make you iphone all that it can be.
When you experience a freezing of the screen on your iPhone, hold down the Home button for about 5 seconds. This will tell the phone to reboot itself. If this is not getting it to work, then simultaneously hold the power and home button down for 12 seconds. This technique should be employed only when the first method fails.
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