You have to live under a rock to not be familiar with Apple’s iphone. This phone has set the modern world.
Conserve the battery by reducing your iPhone’s brightness level. You can change the brightness by going to the settings portion of your iPhone. Lowering your phone’s brightness will help conserve battery life.
A protective screen is a wise investment for your iphone. Without protection, the phone is likely to sustain damage from every day use. Even dirt hidden on your fingers may scratch an unprotected screen.
Don’t waste any time keying in “.com” (or any other TLD) on the end of URLs when you’re browsing the Internet on your iPhone. You simply need to put in the main part of the address and the browser will take you to the correct site. While it may not seem like much, doing so will save you a lot of time over the life of your phone.
A great tip to implement when using the iphone is to save pictures from those. Simply tap the image that you wish to save and hold your finger there for a couple seconds. A menu will pop up giving you an option of saving the selected image.
Safari and mail applications are widely used by iPhone owners, but many are not aware of how to save images with these apps. Press and hold on the image you wish to save. A box will appear giving you the option of saving the selected image.
The iphone has a nifty little feature where you can come up with your own shortcuts and shortcuts. You can use the dictation feature of your iphone. You can add in other phrases and shortcuts to save yourself time. The iphone keyboard also correct you automatically when typing a phrase or word.
One of the most beloved features of the iPhone is the ability to take pictures. After snapping away over the course of days or weeks, though, your iPhone’s Camera Roll can get clogged up with all the pictures you’ve taken. Use the iPhone’s built-in album feature to keep your photos organized and easy to find. This saves you a lot of time when you have to find a specific photo.
There are applications that allows users to upload files to the iphone and make it a storage device. With this app, text, brief videos, photo and text files to your iphone. You will only have to plug in your iphone to any computer to access your files, or by connecting the device to a computer.
Did you miss an important photo because you were fumbling to pull up the camera feature on your iPhone? This shortcut will help you to save a lot of time and get all the pictures you desire. While you have the screen locked, quickly touch Home button two times. This will bring up a camera icon in the lower part of the screen. Tap this button to automatically enable your camera.
Use the multimedia features on your iPhone’s capabilities.
If your iPhone is owned with Siri, think twice before talking to her very much. Apple records all prompts that go to Siri, and puts them on their internal servers. These files are stored in a secure location and are used for improving speech recognition, but it is good to be aware that your prompts may be recorded.
Are you doubting the latest missive you entered into iMessage? Has the notorious Auto Correct made you say something silly? There is an easy way to fix the damage: simply shake your iphone. This will automatically undo typing. Go to your Settings menu to make sure this feature is enabled since it is an optional one.
You can do nearly everything that you can do on your home computer due to the Safari browser that iPhone uses. When you find an image you want to keep, simply tap it and hold. A menu will appear that will allow you to save the image. It’s also easy to copy the image and put it in an email or message this way.
Have you ever lost a great photo opportunity because the camera app was too slow to bring up? Try this quick and easy and quick shortcut.Tap twice on the Home icon two times when your screen is locked. A camera icon should pop up at the bottom of your device. Tapping this button will enable the iPhone’s camera.
If your iPhone ever freezes and you cannot revive it by pressing the “Wake” button, you may need to perform a hard reset. Press and hold that button while you hold down the Home key simultaneously. Everything will be restarted to fix the problem.
You can enable your iphone to let you know when calls or messages are coming in. Just go to the Settings menu and navigate to “General, then to “general” and next to “accessibility.” Then turn on the setting for LED Flash.
Always keep your OS current and upgraded for the best experience on your iPhone. Given the complexity of the phone and operating system, these updates may contain security patches, bug fixes and other important tweaks to boost functionality. This updating is crucial if personal information is accessed online with your phone.
You can take photos using your iphone without worrying about shaking your phone steady. You can simply use the volume controls on your Apple headphones. Start by focusing your camera on the subject you want to capture.
A personalized ringtone is a great way to make your phone shine. Don’t be like everyone else and use standard ringtones. You can easily upload a favorite song or sound byte that is to your liking and store it on your iPhone. This is sure to get your’s and other’s attention.
One great suggestion for your iphone is making use the Facebook app.Many people enjoy the fun and social aspect of Facebook, but there are some who are unaware of the phone’s ability to use Facebook.
Your iPhone’s calander can be a great tool. Use it directly to add meetings and reminders instead of using the plus button. In the “Day” view simply tap the hour to create a new appointment or event. Faster scheduling frees up your time!
Tap cancel to save messages. You will see a dialog box asking you if you want to save your work. By choosing to save the message, the message will go into Drafts. If necessary, the iphone will create one.
If your device freezes, stay calm. To begin with, press the sleep/wake button. If it doesn’t work, press both the home button and the sleep/wake button and hold them down. This will start a hard reset and it should reboot in a few moments.
It is easy to access to the iPod controls and all of your favorites instantaneously. Simply navigate to “Settings,” choose “General, and finally pick the Home button. You can customize your iphone by double clicking and selecting which options that you would like to customize. This is easy to do when you follow the steps.

Using Facebook with your iPhone can be a great idea. Although some people are already aware of the iPhone’s Facebook app, others do not know how easy it is to use Facebook on an iPhone.
You can scroll down the contact list of your iphone contacts in three different ways. You can tape one letter to go there, click on a letter on the right side of the screen, or drag your finger along the letters on the right side of the screen. The third option will let you scroll through all of your contacts much faster.
Use the word shortcut option of your iPhone to be more efficient when typing. Within the Settings menu, go to Keyboard in the General section. There you will find Add New Shortcut. It is easy to input shortcuts for frequently used terms and phrases just by adding acronyms or abbreviated forms. When you use these shortcuts, the full phrases or words that you designated will be automatically inserted.
Avoid exposing your iphone with you. Do not bring your phone into low temperate and protect it with a case if it is very cold outside.
You can save emails that you’re working on and finish them at a later time by tapping on the cancel button. You’ll then be given the option to save your prose as a draft. If you select yes, you will have access to the email in your drafts folder at a later time.
It can be quite confusing if all of your accounts that are named the same. So to separate each account and make it simple to find what email you are using when you are looking for; give each account a unique name.
Your iPhone can be used to send valuable pictures to your family and/or friends. This may be done in two ways. The iPhone makes it easy to upload your images to either your email or to your Facebook account.
Use caution with the connector cord because this is delicate and can be easily damaged. Gently remove your cord whenever you are moving it from any power outlets or USB ports. This cord should last at least a year if proper care of properly.
There are a few different ways to search contacts on the iPhone. There is one that does not involve flicking with your fingers. Put your finger right on the list. Then, slide your finger up and down. This can allow you to find the contact that you desire in the quickest way possible.
Are you looking to back up contacts on your iphone contact list? There is an app known as iDrive Lite; it will help you share and save your contacts. This handy app is totally free is you have previously updated your iphone to 2. prior to starting the process.
Use Facetime when you are communicating on your iPhone. It lets you see the person you are talking to. To use FaceTime, just look under contacts for Facetime. Press the FaceTime button for a contact and you can connect.
Do you want to have a unique alert tones than all your friends? You can eliminate this problem by doing this. Go to Sounds under the ‘settings’ menu and select ‘sounds.’ Choose which alert you wish to change. Then select the option that allows you to purchase more tones” option.
Are you always sending text messages to the same handful of people? Add their numbers to your favorites. This is a great feature because it organizes all your favorites and recent calls into a list that you can simply use to text and call them. Select the arrow, then text message. This is a good way to find out what the people whose calls you missed wanted to tell you.
The tutorials offer step by step instructions on how to use your new phone.
If you do not intend to watch a video later, you should probably clear it out of your iPhone’s memory. After you view a video, you’ll be asked if you’d like to remove it. Eliminate your video if you desire to save space.
Don’t have too many movies on your phone. A movie should take about 1g of space. Having multiples can take up so much space that it could cause your iphone to function improperly. It can also result in some of your apps not functioning as they are supposed to.
Sometimes scrolling on the small iPhone window on certain webpages can be difficult. You may find your self scrolling through the main webpage instead. If you’re having trouble getting off the main webpage on a site using your iPhone, zooming in before you attempt to scroll through a smaller window can be helpful. Once you’ve done that, use two fingers instead of just one to scroll across the window.
You probably already be aware that tapping twice on a word will select it. Tap four times to select an entire paragraph, making cut and paste so easy.
It can be frustrating when your iPhone freezes up on you. Try pressing the home key for a maximum of six seconds if the home and sleep combination do nothing. This causes locked apps to shut down. If even this fails, hold the key down once again for the same length of time; only include the sleep button in combination during the entire period. This will reset the iPhone.
Make sure your iphone guarantee is at all times and consider buying insurance.This insurance will cover you in case something goes wrong. You can also put your iphone in a protective case onto it.
Time management systems that you use on your computer can be connected to your iPhone. This allows you to see your schedule and commitments on the go, rather than being tethered to your computer. Make sure you sync them so you don’t miss anything.
You can easily get new custom sounds for your iphone. Apple has found a way to customize tones for texts, texts, voicemails, tweets, tweets, reminders and more. You can conveniently purchase new sounds by scrolling to the very top of the menu for sounds.
When entering a sentence into your phone, just press the space bar two times when you reach your sentence end. This can instantly insert a period, along with a space as well. You can type your message more quickly this way because you don’t have to access the punctuation keyboard.
After reading this article, you probably have discovered some new things that your iphone can do. Use the information you have learned here and unlock all your phone’s possibilities. You will be much happier with your iphone when you know what to do with it!
You can use the weather app on your iPhone to get an updated hourly weather report. A lot of people don’t know that when you click on local weather, you can get an breakdown for every hour in the next 12 hours’ weather. You can also ask Siri for the weather over the next few hours, and it will give a breakdown of that too.
Blue widgets is a complex topic, which is why you should take the time to research it some more. This article, luckily, is exactly what you need for that. Just put all this advice to good use.